
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2020

Explanation why Boris Johnson's decision about pandemic is probably right [UK]

(2020-03-18) There has been a lot of criticism about Boris Johnson’s coronavirus plan. But scientists think it could work better than WHO plan. (Disclaimer: I work at Imperial College, but I was not involved in this study.) Here is my rationale: It is much too late to stop pandemic from happening in the UK and virtually in any other country on the Planet except Korea, People’s Republic of China, Singapore plus maybe some smaller countries. Regardless what we do now in about 6 weeks (late April / early May) UK will enter a critical period of a large portion of the population infected with many more patients critically ill than beds, ventilators and hospital staff available. The UK is trying to increase the personnel, but there are serious limitations when it comes to ventilators. Majority of retired NHS staff don't want to return to tackle Covid-19 crisis . The Imperial College team have a top-level expertise in pandemic modelling. A couple of days ago they published a...